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Faroe Islands
Living in EuropeAccess to the culture of the host country/language coursesFaroe Islands

Culture and Society

Culture and Society

The Faroe Islands are a modern society with a high standard of living and the Faroese have a strong sense of local identity and social cohesion.

The culture of the Faroe Islands has its roots in the Nordic culture. The islands were long isolated from the main cultural movements in Europe and have maintained a large part of their traditional culture. At the same time the Faroese live a modern European life with cultural events, new technology and a well developed infrastructure.

The Faroese are well-educated. Many Faroese study and work abroad in a wide range of fields. The mobility and flexibility of the Faroese people maintains a broad international perspective.

General overview

The Faroe Islands are located half way between Scotland and Iceland in the North East Atlantic ocean. The country is a self-governing nation under the external sovereignty of the Kingdom of Denmark. It is not a member of the European Union but has agreements on fisheries, trade in goods, and research cooperation with the EU.

The language of the Faroe Islands is Faroese which is a Nordic language deriving from the Norsemen who settled the islands 1200 years ago.

There are about 120 towns and villages scattered over 17 islands.Out of a total population of around 54,000, more than 22,000 live in the capital, Tórshavn.

Fishing and fish farming are the most important industries in the Faroe Islands. In recent years tourism has also become increasingly important.

The Faroese weather is moist, changeable and at times windy. The average temperature ranges from 3°C in winter to 12°C in the summer.


Political system

The Faroese political system is a parliamentary democracy, with a democratically elected legislative assembly, Løgtingið, and an executive government, Landsstýrið, headed by the Prime Minister, løgmaður



Faroese is the official language of the Faroe Islands. Faroese is a West Nordic language, which is derived from Old Norse, the language of the first Viking-age settlers in the 9th century. 

Practically everyone can speak and write Danish and most people are capable of communicating in English too. Norwegian, Swedish, and Icelandic are understood and spoken by many Faroese.


The Faroe Islands have a modern infrastructure with roads, tunnels, bridges and subsea tunnels connecting most of the islands.

Regular flights and car and cargo ferries are available all year round for transport of people and goods to and from the Faroe Islands.

vagar airport


The Faroe Islands have a highly developed communication network – from telecommunication and mobile phones to the internet and media. 




Religion plays an important role in Faroese culture. According to the constitution, everyone is entitled to associate in communities to worship according to his or her convictions. 



The Faroe Islands have a rich and thriving contemporary culture. Traditional culture lives along with modern cultural events, and all kinds of sports and music activities are very popular.
