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Faroe Islands
Living in EuropeHealth insurance, Medical careFaroe Islands

Health care

Health care

Everyone with a Faroese ID number has access to services from the Faroese health care system.

  • Citizens of the Nordic countries and Great Britain are covered under their respective public health plans while staying in the Faroe Islands on a short time basis.

    Residents of other countries need to acquire their own traveller’s health insurance before travelling to the Faroe Islands.

    The health insurance regulation for EU countries does not apply to the Faroe Islands.


  • National Health Insurance

    Right to free treatment

    All residents of the Faroe Islands are automatically covered by the National Health Insurance, Heilsutrygd and have a right to free or subsidised treatment from many health providers.

    The National Health Insurance covers general and specialized medical treatment and gives supplement to prescribed medicines, dental treatment and other specialized treatment, e.g. physiotherapy and psychotherapy.


    Employee´s insurance

    All employees are insured

    Faroese employers are obliged to insure all employees against the consequences of employment injury or disease. The employee or his or her next of kin are entitled to compensation in case of injury, disease or death in connection with carrying out work.

    Employees who have a Faroese retirement pension normally also have a further insurance against consequences of disability, serious disease and death.

  • General practitioners

    First contact for any health issue

    General medical treatment is provided by primary doctors - General Practitioners. Every new resident is assigned a General Practitioner by the National Health Insurance.

    The General Practitioner is the first point of contact for any illness except for emergencies. He or she will direct patients to specialists when needed.

    The General Practitioners also provide statutory duties such as vaccinations and medical examinations of children and pregnant women.

    Most General Practitioners have telephone consultation hour from 8 am to 9 am.

    Specialist treatment

    Available at private practices

    Specialist health care services are available in hospitals or from practicing specialists. Seeing a specialist requires a referral from a General Practitioner.

    For some specialist services a patient`s charge is claimed. The patient’s charge is paid directly to the specialist.

    Health care providers
    Specialist treatment is available at private practices. If the General Practitioner refers a patient to receive treatment by another health-care provider, the National Health Insurance covers some or all of the expenses. 

    Dental care for adults is carried out by dentists in private practice. The National Health Insurance covers part of the cost for dental care.

    Children up to the age of 18 are entitled to free public dental treatment. Children´s dental services are administrated by the municipalities.

    Health Care Providers


    Main and local hospitals

    The General Practitioner can refer patients to hospital treatment.

    There are three hospitals in the Faroe Islands – in Tórshavn, Klaksvík and Suðuroy. Most illnesses and injuries can be treated at the main hospital in Tórshavn or at a local hospital. In some cases it is necessary to receive treatment abroad.

    Hospital Service

    Pregnancy and Child Health

    Health care for mother and child

    Pregnancy check-ups are carried out by the General Practitioners and by midwives. Ultrasound scans are usually scheduled in the 18th week of pregnancy.

    Childbirth takes place at the National Hospital in Tórshavn. 

    Child health care
    The Child Health Care Service, Gigni, provides regular home visits to new families. Health visitor nurses examine the children in their home regularly up to the age of 18 months. Children with special needs may receive home visits up to the age of 6 years.

    Families with small children moving to the Faroe Islands cant contact the Child Health Care Service in order to receive home visits.  

    Child Health Care Service

    General Practitioners provide medical check-ups up to the age of 5 and vaccinations according to a vaccination programme.

    School nurses provide regular medical check-ups and personal interviews as well as parental guidance and information.

    Patient Associations

    Several associations provide guidance and assistance for people with special diseases or disabilities:

    MEGD  The Disability Umbrella Association

    Krabbameinsfelagið  The Faroese Cancer Society

    Blindafelagið  The Faroese Association for the Blind

    Alzheimerfelagið  The Alzheimer´s Association

    Giktafelag Føroya  The Faroese Arthritis Association

    Javni  The Association for the Mentally Retarded

    Autismufelagið  Autistic Association

    Sinnisbati  The Association for the Mentally Disabled

    Diabetesfelagið  The Faroese Diabetes Association


In the event of a medical emergency, dial 112.

For urgent medical treatment after normal working hours (4 pm and 8 am), call 1870. The Emergency Medical Assistance Centre at the National Hospital will provide advice over the telephone or ask the patient to come to a check-up at a hospital.

For emergency dental service on Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays between 10 am and 11 am, call +298 314544.